EZ Speak is a Language Learning Platform being developed for the North American market by Clear Light and EZ-AI.

Schools and businesses use EZ Speak to upload their own custom lessons, with real-time AI voice analysis. A new Role Play feature lets users practice roles in movies and video, and Smart Chat and Kids Chat provides natural, real life conversation for students.

Clear Light has provided a full range of design and marketing services for this project, including Branding, Product UI and UX and Digital Marketing and Presentation materials.

EZ Speak 是 Clear Light、EZ-AI 和一家加拿大合作夥伴為北美市場開發的語言學習平台。

學校和企業使用 EZ Speak 上傳他們自己的定制課程,並進行實時 AI 語音分析。 新的角色扮演功能讓用戶可以在電影和視頻中練習角色,智能聊天和兒童聊天為學生提供自然、真實的對話。

Clear Light 為這個項目提供了全方位的設計和營銷服務,包括品牌、產品 UI 和 UX 以及數字營銷和演示材料。

Schools and businesses use EZ Speak to upload their own custom lessons, with real-time AI voice analysis. A new Role Play feature lets users practice roles in movies and video, and Smart Chat and Kids Chat provides natural, real life conversation for students. Clear Light has provided a full range of design and marketing services for this project, including Branding, Product UI and UX and Digital Marketing and Presentation materials.


EZ Speak 是 Clear Light、EZ-AI 和一家加拿大合作夥伴為北美市場開發的語言學習平台。 學校和企業使用 EZ Speak 上傳他們自己的定制課程,並進行實時 AI 語音分析。 新的角色扮演功能讓用戶可以在電影和視頻中練習角色,智能聊天和兒童聊天為學生提供自然、真實的對話。 Clear Light 為這個項目提供了全方位的設計和營銷服務,包括品牌、產品 UI 和 UX 以及數字營銷和演示材料。