Schrödinger is a software and drug discovery company named after famed quantum physicist Irwin Schrödinger.
Clearlight developed Corp. ID and extensive product branding & packaging for multiple Schrödinger products and suites, along with collateral and digital materials, websites, Ads, and trade show booths.
In 2010 and again in 2012 Bill Gates invested a total of $30 million in Schrödinger, followed by additional investments over the next few years. The Company launched its IPO in 2020.
The following are a small sample representitive of Clear Light’s 16+ years of collaboration with Schrödinger.

Schrödinger 是一家以著名量子物理學家 Irwin Schrödinger (埃爾溫·薛丁格)命名的軟體和藥物發明公司。
ClearLight 為Schrödinger 公司設立企業識別,和開發廣泛的產品品牌和包裝,以及印刷和數位資料、網站、廣告和商業展場設計。
2010 年和 2012 年,比爾蓋茲 (Bill Gate) 投資 Schrödinger 總共約3千萬美元,隨後幾年又追加投資預算。 公司於2020年啟動IPO。
以下是 Clearlight 與 Schrödinger 超過 16 年合作的代表作品。

Shi-Yi Liu
fmr. CMO
“Clear Light’s design is simply upholding to the high standard they’ve long established and our corporate branding – clean, simple, facts-based; no gimmicks or cheap tricks just to grab attention”
“Clear Light 的設計只是堅持他們長期以來建立的高標準和我們的企業品牌 – 乾淨、簡單、基於事實; 沒有噱頭或廉價技巧只是為了吸引註意力。”